At the time I didn't have a plan for them but then one day I was reading the Quilt-as-you go quilt along at Sewtakeahike and I have one of those Eureka! moments.
I had been tossing around in my mind the idea of making a quilt for our bed but wanted something that was not too fussy, was reasonably unisex in design and fabric choice but was still interesting. I was also keen to try a quilt as you go, and like Sewtakeahike said, I had not idea how I could quilt something big enough at home. Using these precuts (plus one extra roll and some Kona Snow) seemed to fit the bill.
So the plan is to make a couple of these blocks every few days and hope to have this finished (or nearly so) when we move into our new home in Melbourne.
The finished quilt with alternate light (white centres and edges) with dark (blue quilts and edges) in the quilt.
Sound a plan?
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