Saturday, January 18, 2014

...2014 - FAL plans Q1

At the beginning of last year I wrote this post as well. And then made very little progress on the items for the rest of the year. You'll see most of the pictures are even the same.So I am going to try again - with hopefully some more achievable goals.

Linking up with Katy from the Littlest Thistle who is hosting the FAL this year.

1. Finish hand quilting and bind Bee {a little bit} Japanese Quilt

 2. Finish the Weekender bay for L, I've only got the outer and finishing steps to go but I should get to this one first as it was a 2012 Christmas gift!

3. DS Strips and Bricks quilting and binding

4. Giant Baby Pinwheel quilting and binding

5.Honerable mention - Subversive Swoon Valentines quilt - this one needs basting binding and quilting but I don't have the batting for it and it will get knocked off the list if it isn't finished before Valentine's day and the chances of that aren't looking good.

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