Tuesday, July 10, 2012

...Kaleidoscope Christmas - in July

Remember when I made this cushion? I put a few pictures of it up on my flickr page as well, like I usually do, and I got so many comments, including one suggesting I submit it to the Moda Bakeshop and I thought, "why not?".
To me I could see it in nothing but Christmas fabric, cause that is what I was thinking of when I designed and made it but I'm sure others can come up with other versions that will point out how versatile any design can be. 
I also up-sized it from the original and added a border and some cornerstone, so it will be the Christmas quilt on our spare bed over the season. I have another design in the works for our bed. 
The recipe is already up on the Moda Bakeshop - it was a nice surprise when I woke up this morning. 

I was really hoping to take some pictures of this one in the snow - but our holiday there isn't sorted yet so it's a Christmas Quilt at the beach. Pretty Australian really. 

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