Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bee Seam Piecing Downunder- November blocks for ... Me!

November is my month in Bee Seam Piecing Downunder. And I tell you, it's exciting.

I have known for a little while that I have wanted a 'circle' quilt and for it to have variety in the theme so I thought a bee would be the perfect way to achieve that, having 12 different  takes on it.

But some people are really scared or unconfident with curved seams so asking for these blocks was not an easy decision to make. And I can't say that it was a request met without trepidation but the wonderful ladies in my bee have really been gracious enough to say they will give it a go.

I sent out reasonably large pieces of 12 different fabrics

With two squares of Kona solid in a grey colour to act as the background of the block (the quilt will not have sashing so this offers the continuity)
I also sent some pre-made pieced circles - with different outer fabric that I have asked the ladies to embroider (or mark for me to embroider later) with the name and location. These will be pieced into the back as the label.

I made a mosaic (follow the links there are some just fantastic blocks out there)

and a few myself.

There are already some great blocks showing up on the Flickr page (link on the left of the blog) and I can't wait to see what else people come up with!

In case you were wondering (as my bee buddies where) what each of the fabric are there is a picture over on Flickr with all the fabric labelled. They all came from my LQS, Amitie in Bentleigh, Melbourne Australia. I made a mad dash there afrer work one day and the ladies were nice enough to stay open a little longer and help me put together the bundle of prints.   

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